The Selector(英文原版音乐节目)

介绍:The Selector英伦音乐前沿(英文原版)每周更新,和超燃DJ Goldierocks把握英伦音乐时尚最前沿 The Selector is a weekly two-hour show that covers all styles of music, from indie, dubstep, folk, soul, electro and everything in between. The show features interviews, mixes and exclusive live sessions from some of the most exciting British artists. Hosted by DJ and presenter Goldierocks, The Selector presents an overview of all that is exciting and fresh in British music. The show reflects the brilliance and diversity of British music, promoting the sounds, talents and musical culture of modern Britain to an international audience.
The Selector英伦音乐前沿(英文原版)每周更新,和超燃DJ Goldierocks把握英伦音乐时尚最前沿 The Selector is a weekly two-hour show that covers all styles of music, from indie, dubstep, folk, soul, electro and everything in between. The show features interviews, mixes and exclusive live sessions from some of the most exciting British artists. Hosted by DJ and presenter Goldierocks, The Selector presents an overview of all that is exciting and fresh in British music. The show reflects the brilliance and diversity of British music, promoting the sounds, talents and musical culture of modern Britain to an international audience.
The Selector(英文原版音乐节目)专辑列表(140个)