With a Song in my Heart
04:06翻山越岭-孩童进行曲Over the Hills and Far Away_Children's March
03:55灰姑娘幻想曲Symphony Orchestra - Cinderella
13:06撒马尔罕玫瑰Rose of Samarkand
03:08随意的歌A Song By the Way
04:07音乐无处不在Music Everywhere (Rediffusion March)
03:10在柳树旁By the Tamarisk
04:17制造欢乐的人-小型序曲The Merrymakers Overture
04:41林中仙子-圆舞曲Wood Nymphs - Valsette (1917)
02:49莫尔斯克舞曲Moresque Dance - Interlude (1921)
03:41自私的巨人The Selfish Giant - A Phantasy (1925)
08:12黄昏鸟声Bird Songs at Eventide (1926)
04:05三只熊幻想曲The Three Bears - A Phantasy (1926)
09:18睡意沉沉的环礁湖畔By the Sleepy lagoon - Valse Serenade (1930)
04:39舞蹈之夜Dancing Nights - Concert Valse (1931)
06:52搭起我孤独的帐篷I Pitch my Lonley Caravan at Night - Symphonic Rhapsody (1932)
04:15忠诚之歌Songs of Loyalty (The Prayer Within Our Hearts) (1935)
04:17萨克斯狂想曲Saxo-Rhapsody (1936)
08:49为你开怀-小夜曲For Your Delight - Serenade (1937)
04:01脚灯Footlights - Concert Valse (1939)
04:21最后的爱Last Love - Romance (1939)
03:58我唱给你听I Sing to You (A Souvenir) (1940)
03:20召唤所有的工人-进行曲Calling All Workers - March (1940)
03:02交给你Over to You - March (1941)
03:13伦敦召唤-进行曲London Calling - March (1941)
02:59第八军队进行曲The Eight Army March (1942)
02:40向士兵致敬Salute the Soldier - March (1944)
03:25三只熊之幻想圆舞曲Valse from The Phantasy _The Three Bears_ (1949)