02:031.坐井观天(上)/look at the sky from the bottom of a well
03:351.坐井观天(下)/look at the sky from the bottom of a well
04:492.狐假虎威(上)/A fox and a tiger
02:522.狐假虎威(下)/A fox and a tiger
03:443.盲人摸象(上)/Touching an elephant
03:053.盲人摸象(下)/Touching an elephant
03:284.凿壁偷光(上)/Stealing light
02:574.凿壁偷光(下)/Stealing light
04:035.掩耳盗铃(上)/Cheating myself
02:195.掩耳盗铃(下)/Cheating myself
02:406.郑人买履(上)/The story of buying shoes
02:456.郑人买履(下)/the story of buying shoes
03:247.滥竽充数(上)/Fake music
03:547.滥竽充数(下)/Fake music
04:378.愚公移山(上)/Removing the mountains
04:408.愚公移山(下)/Removing the mountains
05:399.铁棒磨针(上)/Grinding an iron rod into a needle
03:279.铁棒磨针(下)/Grinding an iron rod into a needle
05:4110.南辕北撤(上)Going south by driving the chariot north
02:2510.南辕北辙(下)/Going south by driving the chariot north
03:1111.守株待兔(上)/Waiting for the hare
02:5311.守株待兔(下)/Waiting for the hare
04:4412.笨鸟先飞(上)/a slow sparrow should make an early start
03:1712.笨鸟先飞(下)/A slow sparrow should make an early start
05:4113.孔融让梨(上)/KongRong gave away bigger pears
03:1813.孔融让梨(下)/KongRong gave away bigger pears
03:5714.拔苗助长(上)/Pulling crops up for growth
03:5414.拔苗助长(下)Pulling crops up for growth
06:1115.画龙点睛(上)/Adding eyes to a dragon