01.英文早教童谣精选-A B C
03:1202.英文早教童谣精选-A castle of sand
02:1103.英文早教童谣精选-A for apple, B for boy
01:2904.英文早教童谣精选-A little hello song
01:0405.英文早教童谣精选-A little shopping song
02:0606.英文早教童谣精选-A table and a chair
01:1807.英文早教童谣精选-All the flowers are smilling
02:3308.英文早教童谣精选-An apple for you
01:3209.英文早教童谣精选-Apple tree
01:2510.英文早教童谣精选-Are you sleeping
01:3511.英文早教童谣精选-At the supermarket
02:0312.英文早教童谣精选-Baa, baa, black sheep
02:2714.英文早教童谣精选-Calendar song
01:2615.英文早教童谣精选-Can you tell me what it is
01:0716.英文早教童谣精选-Children go
02:0617.英文早教童谣精选-Cock-A-Doole-Doo Doo
01:1518.英文早教童谣精选-Color song
01:3720.英文早教童谣精选-Dancing fairies