02:26(4861期)你会向其他人推荐你的居住地吗Would you recommend where you live to other people
05:53(4860期)价格对礼物重要嘛Is price important for gifts
06:06(4859期)你家附近景色如何What is the view like around you home
05:51(4858期)你尝试过用社媒帮你找回丢的东西吗Did you try to find your lost things in social media
04:23(4857期)你在城市里面见过老建筑吗Have you seen old buildings in the city
07:34(4857期)你在城市里面见过老建筑吗Have you seen old buildings in the city
07:34(4856期)年轻人喜欢干嘛What activities do young people like to do in your region
02:35(4855期)在大城市人们愿意合租吗Are people willing to share a flat in big cities
07:37(4854期)学外语的好处What are the benefits of learning foreign languages
06:27(4853期)找到一个安静的地方很难吗Is it really hard to find a quiet place
04:21(4850期)你觉得汽车颜色重要吗Do you think car colors are important or not
05:40(4849期)为什么年轻人选择大城市Why do young people choose big cities
05:52(4848期)你最喜欢在哪儿坐着Where is your favorite sitting area
03:16(4847期)你在哪些方面有天赋What are you talented in
06:41(4845期)你的朋友们用社媒吗Do your friends use social media
07:10(4844期)你经常感到无聊吗Do you often feel bored
04:38(4843期)你喜欢戴手表吗Do you like to wear a watch
05:47(4842期)老板比员工更受欢迎Are bosses more popular than employees at work
05:49(4841期)描述还没实现的目标Describe an ambition that you haven't achieved yet
08:45(4840期)为什么有人会搬到不同的城市Why do people move to a different city
06:02(4839期)做决定时候谁对你影响最大Whose advice can be more important to you when making decisions
06:32(4838期)你多久买一次新书How often do you buy a new book
05:04(4837期)堵车的时候你都干嘛呀What do you usually do when there's a traffic jam
04:25(4836期)你想提升拍照的技术吗Do you want to improve your photography skills