49:27Day26 声声慢 Tune :Slow,Slow song
01:55Day25 望岳 Gazing at Mount Tai
00:48Day24 九月九日忆山东兄弟
00:24Day23 回乡偶书 Home—Coming
00:28Day22 夜雨寄北 Written on a Rainy Night to a Friend in the North
00:35Day21 江南逢李龟年 Coming Across a Disfavored Court Musician on the Southern Shore of Yangze River
00:27Day21 过华清宫 Summer Palace
00:29Day20 悯农 The Peasants
00:18Day19 登岳阳楼 On Yueyang Tower
00:51Day18 关雎 Cooing and Wooing
01:02Day16 七步诗 Written While Taking Seven Paces
00:19Day17 从军行 Army Life
00:24Day15 丑奴儿 Tune: Song of Ugly Slave Written on the Wall on my Way to Boshan
00:45Day14 登幽州台歌 On the Tower at Youzhou
00:25Day13 枫桥夜泊 Mooring by Maple Bridge at Night
00:26Day12 春晓 A Spring Morning
00:23Day11 卜算子 咏梅 Tune :Song of Divination Ode to the Mume Blossom
00:51Day10 赤壁 The Red Cliff
00:23Day9 题西林壁 Written on the Wall of West Forest Temple
00:29Day 8 江雪 Fishing in Snow
00:28Day7 长歌行 A Slow Song
00:51Day6 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵 Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower
00:28Day5 咏鹅 O Geese
00:29Day4 观沧海 The Sea
00:59Day3 浣溪沙 Silk-Washing Stream
00:37Day2 春日 A Spring Day
00:22Day1 静夜思 Thoughts on a Tranquil Night